Saturday, September 20, 2008

Internet at home

After a long wait and three different companies, we finally have internet at home. Now I hope to be able to put pictures up more frequently. Tomorrow will be exactly two months from my due date. Things seem to be going by so quickly. Last night Rob and I helped with a camp out for the elementary kids at the church. Well, I only helped for a few hours and went home to get some sleep. Rob stayed up most of the night with the high school and middle school kids he had come and help. While I was serving food a lady asked me if I was the youth pastor's wife. I said yes. She then said, "So you have like five kids, right?" I started laughing and explained that we were on the way to number one and didn't plan on having five, but our friends that volunteer with youth have five kids. I told Rob that since we get mistaken for this couple (it has happened before) that we should just go ahead and have five kids. :)


Mrs. Wallace said...

FIVE!!! I better get to knitting!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Dear Melissa, I am very excited for your little baby boy and I am glad to hear that things are going well with you! Things are going great here and we are expecting twins in Jan. So we will have five! Love always, Aimee