Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The girls have it.

I changed the poll, so I thought I would post the results of the gender one. There were 5 votes for girl and 2 for boy. I don't have a feeling one way or the other...we'll find out soon enough. For now check out my new poll. You can post any other suggestions you have as well.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Hi all. I am feeling pretty good. The last few days I have felt a little sick, but not too bad. On Wednesday I took my vitamin in the morning because I had forgot the night before. I had to pull over a few block from home and well the vitamin didn't stay down. Luckily I was close enough to home to go back and brush my teeth.
I read on this pregnancy e-mail that I get, that I should start to have a belly...which I have. But it said it was from distended bowels and not the baby. I'm not sure what distended bowls are, but it gave me a good laugh that I kept looking at my belly thinking it was my baby when it was really my bowels. :)
We are doing the 30 Hour Famine with the youth this weekend, but I get to sneak away and eat.
Well that is all that is going on here.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Here is the most recent picture. I'm a little over 8 weeks along. I have on a different tank top, but you can see that my belly has gotten bigger. My pants are fitting tighter, though I haven't gained any weight yet. My body is just changing shape. Strange, but cool. :)

Here is a picture of me the day I took the pregnancy test. I was about four weeks along. It is my goal to take a picture every 4 weeks, so I can see how much my body is changing as the baby grows.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Busy week

We had a normally busy week, but it feels like more when I'm so tired. Rob does a great job trying to get me more rest. Rob's birthday was Friday, and his mom sent him a package. It had his birthday gift in it and some stuff for the baby. We now have the outfit his came home from the hospital in, and some of his other things from when he was a baby. Then Aunt Kandy (which is a dog) sent the baby some gifts. She "wrote" a cute letter explaining which of the gifts. Like diapers for when we forget to let them outside, Q-tips to get rid of ear mites, and lots of other stuff. The letter is being kept for the baby book.
Then Saturday we got to see mom and dad at a youth volunteer training thing in Indy. It was nice to see them. When we got back from that my Aunt Karen and Uncle Mark came to take us out to dinner. They were up about 40 minutes from us on a bike trip and thought that since they were so close they would come take us out to dinner. We had a nice visit with them.
We found out this week that we are closing on the house at the end of June. So we now for sure we won't have to raise our kid behind a barber shop.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Giving Blood

So, Friday I went to go get my blood tested. Once I found the right place to get it tested and waited for my turn I was pretty nervous. I had never given blood before. The lady who was doing it was really nice, but had a hard time with me. I guess my veins are really small and hard to work with. She got about 2/3 of the blood she needed from my right arm then it stopped giving blood. She then tried another vein on that arm, but it didn't give any blood. Finally she went to my left arm, but the vein was too small to find. By this point I was feeling really dizzy. I told her this, but I guess I blacked out for a second. They had to lay me down on a couch and fill out a report. I was embarrassed that I couldn't handle it. They didn't get all the blood they needed, but said it would be fine and sent me home. I think they were scared to try again.
So, I feel great but I hope they don't have me go give blood too many times. :)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

First doctor's visit

We had our first doctor's visit yesterday. After the two hour wait, the appointment didn't take too long. As of now the due date is November 21st. We didn't find much else out. Rob got to go with me, so he got to meet the doctor. We both liked the doctor a lot, and feel like our baby will be in good hands. I'll post a pre-pregnant belly picture soon.