Thursday, September 25, 2008

All alone

Tonight will be my first night of four nights without Rob. Well, he has been gone before, but this time he is in the mountains in Colorado. That means he won't be able to talk to me. He is there for a youth pastor's retreat. I have wanted him to go on this retreat the past few years, but it didn't work out until this year. It should be a really good time for him and what he needs right now.
As life normally does, we had a few curve balls thrown at us last night. Rob's car decided that it wanted to start spraying oil whenever to was running. We didn't find this out until 5 last night when it was too late to get it fixed before he didn't at 4 this morning to go to the airport. So I got to get up early and take Rob to the airport. I didn't mind sending the extra time with him, but I'm extra exhausted right now. I was going to plan my lessons for maternity leave, though that can wait until tomorrow. Now I'll just get things ready for tomorrow and go to bed.
On an entirely different note. I had a girl in class ask me today to see my belly. I turned sideways so she could see how big it was. She said, "No, like lift up your shirt." I refused saying it was not appropriate to show the class my belly. Most of the class didn't see why, but I was just imagining all the parent phone classes I would get tomorrow asking why I showed my belly to the class.

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