Sunday, August 24, 2008

Mom to Be Shower

Amanda, my wonderful sister-in-law put on a mom to be shower. She put a lot of work into making it a nice evening for me. My mom and Aunt Karen came for it. We played some games, eat good food, and had a nice visit. They also pampered me with gifts for me. Thank you Amanda for making such a special time.
I made it through my first week of school. Rob and I are fighting some kind of cold or allergies. We are not sure what it really happening. I'm fine during the day, but have had trouble sleeping through the night because of it.
We also have exciting news (we think) :) We are most likely going to have a girl from Hungry come and live with us. She is a pastor's daughter that has graduated from High school and needs to improve her English to go into the college major she wants. She would live with us to help her with her English. The current plan is for her to go to a private school here in town for a little while. Then in January when I go back to work, she would watch the baby during the day. We would find things for her to do in the evening, so she isn't just stuck in our house all day. We are excited about the possibility. We will know soon when she will be coming.
The baby is moving around as I write this, so I must be trying to wave to all of you. :)

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