Sunday, August 31, 2008

Friday is the Day!

We are getting so excited that we get to see our baby on Friday. I feel him/her move all the time and now I get to see it! I should probably study ultrasound pictures so I'll know what I'm looking at.
You guys were too nice on the weight poll. The second category (I think it was 30-34), won. I voted for the 35-39 one. Though if I walk as much as we did yesterday at the Labor Day garage sales, then I don't think I have to worry. Good bargains are worth the effort.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Rob and I went last night to register for baby stuff. (it was are only free night for the next few weeks). We had a good time but it took longer than we thought. We knew what we wanted from Baby's R Us because we had been there and looked around a few times, so that went quickly. Then we went to the Walmart in town with better baby stuff, but someone had stolen their scanner, so we had to drive back across town and go to the other Walmart. We spent a little longer there trying to figure out what other kinds of things we would need for the baby's room like an cd/player alarm clock and hamper. Rob and I laughed because some of the stuff we scanned just because we were told we would need it, but aren't really sure what to even do with them. Maybe my baby will be born with instructions. :)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Nose Bleed

Wow, who knew a nose could bleed that much! Luckly, my last class had just left and I was getting things ready for the next days class...when blood started pouring out of my nose. At first I thought my nose was running, but then I started dripping blood. Not really a good thing in a public school building. After calling Rob to have him look up online what I was to do (the internet at shcool was going to slow) and hold my nose for ten minutes, it stopped. I guess it is a nice welcome to the third trimester. Hopefully it won't be a repeated thing. Now I need to go home and try to get the blood out of my shirt. :)

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Mom to Be Shower

Amanda, my wonderful sister-in-law put on a mom to be shower. She put a lot of work into making it a nice evening for me. My mom and Aunt Karen came for it. We played some games, eat good food, and had a nice visit. They also pampered me with gifts for me. Thank you Amanda for making such a special time.
I made it through my first week of school. Rob and I are fighting some kind of cold or allergies. We are not sure what it really happening. I'm fine during the day, but have had trouble sleeping through the night because of it.
We also have exciting news (we think) :) We are most likely going to have a girl from Hungry come and live with us. She is a pastor's daughter that has graduated from High school and needs to improve her English to go into the college major she wants. She would live with us to help her with her English. The current plan is for her to go to a private school here in town for a little while. Then in January when I go back to work, she would watch the baby during the day. We would find things for her to do in the evening, so she isn't just stuck in our house all day. We are excited about the possibility. We will know soon when she will be coming.
The baby is moving around as I write this, so I must be trying to wave to all of you. :)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

New Poll

Notice the new poll. Please vote, but don't think I'll be offended by your answer. :)

First day of school

Today was the first day of kids being at school. I'll have my hands full, but it should be fun. My feet didn't hurt too bad. I will have to make sure I drink enough water. I'm afraid I'll have to go to the bathroom in the middle of class, so I don't drink as much as I should.
My ultrasound is scheduled for September 5th, so hopefully the first Baby pictures will be able to be scanned and put on here.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Tomorrow is my first real day of work. It is a teacher work day and then Tuesday the students come. My room is pretty much ready to go, I just need to figure out what to do with the students once I get them. :)
It has become pretty uncomfortable to sit for very long. I get sharp pain behind the right side of my ribs. I hope this baby won't stay up this high the whole time. I bought support hose to wear while teaching to hopefully aid in keeping the varicose veins at bay. Today was a practice wearing of the support hose, and I am impressed. They are comfortable and seem like they'll do the job.
The doctor has me starting to count the kicks I feel. You are supposed to see how long it takes for the baby to move 10 times during its most active time. For Baby Ball the most active time is when I lay in bed at night. So far it has taken around 20 min, which is really good I guess. If it takes more than two hours I'm supposed to go to the hospital.
I guess haven't had a chance to post since my last doctor's visit. It went pretty normal. He said the red bumps popping up all over my belly are normal. I have to go get more blood work done soon. I'm waiting for September for our insurance to kick in. Hopefully it won't be such an adventure this time.
Good news about insurance though. With my new job I get much better insurance. It will take affect in October, so we'll have our alright maternity insurance for September, then switch to the better one in October. I wasn't sure if I could get insurance through the school since I was temp., but they said I could. :) YEAH!!
I'll have internet at school, so hopefully I can update a little more frequently in the coming weeks.

Friday, August 8, 2008

New job

I got a call today that I got the 8th grade science job I interviewed for. It is just a one year job (with a break in the middle:) ), but will hopefully be a leg in the door for a contract job. One of these days I'll get to keep a contract job. :)
I just got back from a middle school camp out. Different people were a little worried about it, but I did fine. I even went on a trail hiking. Besides having to walk a ways in the middle of the night to go pee, camping while nearly six months pregnant isn't much different than normal.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

All is still going well. I had a yard sale this weekend which gave me something to do. I also had an interview for an 8th grade science job. I'll hear about if I got it or not the middle of this week. We will be on a camp out with the middle schoolers this week, so hopefully I hear before we leave for that. My sister-in-law came down Saturday to have the yard sale with me. She brought me a car seat, high chair, swing, and pack and play, so we are starting our collection of larger things for a little bitty baby. (Though neither Rob or I were little bitty babies so we'll see)
Rob and I had Mexican the other day for lunch. A few hours later my stomach gurgled. Normal, that is gurgled, but not normal where I felt it. Instead of gurgling a few inches below my belly gurgled a few inches above my belly button. I knew my organs where squished up there, but it felt really weird to have stomach basically in my ribs.