Sunday, May 18, 2008

My parents came down yesterday and we had a nice visit. They gave me some more ideas for poll questions, so here is the newest one. Now, most of you know that this is a big deal to me. I have always said that I would dye their hair if my child had red hair...not to sway your vote. :) I think I've matured a little since then...hopefully. So, take a guess and we'll see in a few months.
Oh, I did decide to go with the kite theme for the nursery. The walls will be painted sky blue with clouds, and I'll hang some kites from the ceiling. The rest of the room will be done in primary color like what are on kites.

1 comment:

Mrs. Wallace said...

So when do we get to see a new belly picture?? I've been wondering on the progress! :-) As for the new vote...I was thinking about how you used to go back and forth between wanting a girl to dress up and not wanting a girl to have to share your man with...wouldn't it just be God's sense of humor in helping us grow if you had a girl with red hair? The thought made me chuckle...I know you'll be able to handle and love ANY child God gives would just be ironic...don't you think...ohhh that makes me think of Aimee and how she sang that song over and over on her wedding day cause it was raining... ahh memories :-)