Friday, May 16, 2008

How stupid can I get?

I heard that the baby takes your brain away, but wow! For a nartually ditsy person I guess it can get pretty bad. Last night I stopped by Wal-mart before going out to the church for Bible study. When I came out, I could not find the car for anything. I looked and looked but I was sure that my car had been stolen. It wasn't where I thought I parked it or in the few rows around it. I called Rob in a panick that my car was stolen. He assured me tht it couldn't be stolen if I had the kays, but I didn't believe him. He was on his way to help me, when I found the car. It was park three rows over from the farthest I thought I parked. I felt STUPID! Rob was almost there. He is so patient with me. :)

1 comment:

Clyde Ewbank said...

You should not ask questions like that. Someone may answer them :)